
Showing posts from April 17, 2016

It's Been A Bit

It has been quite awhile since I've posted, I do apologize for the long break. I mentioned I think at the start of the year how I didn't want depression to take the drivers seat of the blog the way I felt it had towards the last couple of months of last year. Well recently my depression has  been getting the best of me, and every time I think about blogging I just know it's going to quickly Segway into the depression, or ring some alarms. My  weight loss  recently,  really   all year , but especially the last few weeks, has been slow with  mild yoyo-ing. Last week I officially started using Myfitnesspal religiously again, unlike before, where I used it just that day, I recalibrated my calorie goal. I went from 3400 to 1900. I had a much better week of loss this past week. Last year I took a picture  I don't know if I ended up posting it in the blog, but when I recently wore the same outfit to therapy my therapist thought I looked great (I didn't) and thought


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