
Showing posts from May 22, 2022

Window From Nowhere, To Everywhere

Laying in my bed then suddenly I recognize a familiar tune. Its none other than the ice cream truck. I think "at this time of the year?" "In this weather?" and then I remember its almost june, then I look out my window and see that its very nice weather. I've been in my room so much, boxed in my four walls of solitude and comfort, that I lose grasp that there is an outside world. Living is happening out there, something I may never truly experience. About a month ago I got a random call from a friend, we chatted for awhile about all kinds of silly things. It was nice. He eventually started telling me about another friend of his, V, they've been friends since before we met. He tells me V has basically given up on life, plays MMO games all day, rarely leaves the house, has incredibly poor hygiene, accepts he'll be alone forever, no career prospects, no significant other, nothing. And he doesn't care anymore. He is in his mid 40s. I couldn't help bu

Jagged Little Pill

Two days out from quitting that medication and I already feel about 5x more in control. Today I didn’t  stick entirely to the plan but I did really good in comparison. I did have some oatmeal cookies, I did have some ice cream, but we didnt go overboard. The goal is still to aovid these things but I’m happy with my outcome. I ended my day with a mass of 1,760 calories, out of 3,150. A tremendous improvement. The effect that medication had on me is honestly alarming, and scary, but its gone now, never to return, at least not while my weight is still an issue. Things could change in 150lbs, or not, time will tell.

Desist, Abstain, Refrain

Ok. Another bad day in the bag, fine. Yes, I ate like a black hole, sucking down everything in its path into oblivion, but all hope isnt lost... for the future. I have to stop listening to the addict in me, the addiction, stop letting it win. Ive been letting it control my life the past several weeks but moreso in the last 7 days. Its like the food is calling to me, but this isnt just a sudden occurance, their is a source, my new mediciation Vraylar is the direct culprit here. I decided on my own to stop taking it, hopefully within a few days it will be completely out my system, or atleast enough so that it doesnt hijack my appetite. HERES THE PLAN We've already stopped the medication, check Abstain from sugar for 7 days, I fear these last few weeks have reawakened the beast of food addiction, in particular, sugar. To off set this I plan to abstain from all sugar for 7 days. A sugar detox if you will Water, drink at least 40oz of water a day. 2, set the notifications of my water-lo

Thanos Snap

And with the snap of my fingers, all the food was gone. Today was the worse day yet. After starting off strong by walking this morning, I promptly effed it up by eating an entire pack of Oreos, and row of oatmeal cookies with milk. Later, I had leftovers, that sesame chicken dish from a few days ago, topped off with two strawberry cheesecake ice cream sandwiches. I just felt like I could keep going and going.  Tomorrow I’m taking control, this has gotten out of hand, I’m building my ship to wreck all over again. I must advert the path I’m on, or I will balloon back up to 600lbs for a 3rd, possibly final time. I don’t want to be like this anymore. Another Thanos snap to make it right

Oh How Cliché

Him 😞❤️‍🩹 Oops… I did it again. I’ve become infatuated with a straight friend. He’s so good looking and talented and smart, and driven and cool and outgoing and, and, and… I’m stuck on this imaginary  scenario where he professes his love for me and we ride off into the sunset. He is quite literally way out of my league, and more importantly, he is straight. But even if he wasn’t I wouldn’t stand a chance in this current form. It’s a hopeless predicament, nothing can and will ever come of it, I can only hope I eventually get past it. It just sucks, wanting something, someone you can never have. He is a good friend and I’d never jeopardize it by being incredibly dumb enough to come clean about this, but it really effects my mental health at times. I don’t know if it’s me or the BPD, that has me obsessing over this. Either way, it’s just another rough, lonely road I travel. Me 🤡

One Step At A Time

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Brandon, Who Lives At Home (@brandonwholivesathome)

Slow Down, Slow Down

There goes gravity, bringing me down, there goes gravity slowing me down. Reach for the stars but nothing is there, they’re all gone, space is bare. The infinite pool of nothingness seems so meaningless, seamlessly drifting aimlessly, into dark abyss 

Where I Belong

Today was one of the better days I've had in the past week. I did have some cookies, perhaps over indulged but I did pretty good overall. Today I entered a bit of a rut thinking about some things.  Belonging, and where Im at. As a wee lad I used to watch the tv show Friends. I loved the sense of community amongst the friends, trusting one another, going to each other with their problems, hanging out, just  relating and vibing. Ive always wanted that, and hoped some day Id have that as an adult. I do have some nice friends, but its not like the tv shows, its not like the movies. People dont want to hear about your depression, they just want it to go away and the moment you stop bringing it up they assume its gone, you're cured. I dont know how many times Ive been talking about something only to discover the person I was talking to wasnt actully listening, Ive actually outright stopped talking mid sentence when I noticed, and they never noticed I stopped, because they tuned out a


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