
Showing posts from May 24, 2020
Weighed in today. The numbers weren't pretty but i didn't expect them to be. Im back up to a whopping 510lbs. Close to total regain.. However Im putting an end to the rapid weight incline and plan to lose weight. I mentioned before that I was planning a 2.5 month accelerated weight loss it will officially begin Monday. Outline MAX 2,000 Calories; once per week refuel by eating a little over the recommend 3,590 calories Drink immediately upon wake. Minimum 80oz  water a day,  1 to 2 protein shakes a day 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar  take vitamins track everything wear watch Ease into exercising red meat no more than once a week Eat veggies write or vlog bed by 11, sleep


I’ve decided to make Saturday my official weigh-in. I don’t recall ever making Saturday my official day before and that’s mostly because it doesn’t feel like a day you weigh-in on, it’s the quintessential cheat day. But I need to challenge that mindset so now it’ll be weigh in day. Been dealing with alot emotionally, trying to understand myself better. Sometimes life really does seem so pointless. Im working to get my mental in a better place. Today I decided to rewatch an old season of the biggest loser to try to motivate myself further, by seeing their results. However I just ended up seeing all the flaws with the show and absoltely loathing Jilliaan Michaels. Shes a wretched, vile woman who should never have been given a platform to spew toxicity. Still, Im planning on starting a 2 and a half month weight loss transformation. Nothing crazy, but certainly polarizing. I seemingly got all the tools Ill need except maybe a new pair of shoes, I'm long overdue but they will wait.


I’ve recently enabled guest comments so you no longer have to sign in, register or use a social media account to leave a comment. I actually thought this was available by default but upon inspection learned it isn’t. Now it is, after you comment  you click the empty name field and click the tiny box

Slow Start

I’ve been stacking the dominoes so to speak . Lining things up to prepare for what could be the comeback of the century. I can’t wait for the motivation, I can’t wait for the inspiration. They aren’t coming. I just have to go , I just have to do . I surprised myself with what I was capable of when I changed my life to lose weight, I can do it again. I’ll never forget the feeling of hopelessness the idea of weight loss was back 2010, so hopeless that I knew any thing I tried would fail. It wasn’t in the realm of possibilities it wasn’t feasible. But in 2014 with a slow start I would go on to completely obliterate all the perceptions I had about losing weight and my ability.  Mental illness has played a bigger role than I liked to admit, I’ve never shied away from discussing my depression , anxiety PTSD but It took until this last year to realize I have less control over things than I’d like.  I know these problems won’t vanish with weight loss but it would help tremendously.


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