
I’ve decided to make Saturday my official weigh-in. I don’t recall ever making Saturday my official day before and that’s mostly because it doesn’t feel like a day you weigh-in on, it’s the quintessential cheat day. But I need to challenge that mindset so now it’ll be weigh in day.

Been dealing with alot emotionally, trying to understand myself better. Sometimes life really does seem so pointless. Im working to get my mental in a better place. Today I decided to rewatch an old season of the biggest loser to try to motivate myself further, by seeing their results. However I just ended up seeing all the flaws with the show and absoltely loathing Jilliaan Michaels. Shes a wretched, vile woman who should never have been given a platform to spew toxicity. Still, Im planning on starting a 2 and a half month weight loss transformation. Nothing crazy, but certainly polarizing. I seemingly got all the tools Ill need except maybe a new pair of shoes, I'm long overdue but they will wait.

Ive been thinking of concepts for a new video series but Im not sure what it should be about. Maybe just vlogs but I need some kind of structure. Im going to play around with the idea and do a test shoot just to see if I come across any less awkward and cringe than I did before. Ill keep you posted on that. In the mean time, any suggestions? Im looking for new blogs to follow as well. I havent followed a new weightloss blog since 2017. I need something fresh. Could also be mental health or eating disorder related.
I’ve broken both arms of my glasses so, yea.

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