I'm A Ruin

Ive been in a state of self-ruining. Massive binges, pizza, chips, sweets, bread the works. Thousand upon thousands of calorie per session per day, My weight, I haven't checked in awhile but i assume I'm back to 500lbs. My clothes are ripping and tearing, otherwise they are tight and constrictive. My phone is broke still so I'm phoneless, I broke my last pair of headphones so I cant even listen to music on my incredibly laggy laptop. Face is breaking out, I'm hot all the time. I hate my existence.

Im planning a bit of a reboot, an all liquid diet. Just protein shakes. I really did like doing those mild extended water fasts, 9 and 7 days respectively, but i just don't get enough nutrients and i cant afford the expensive things I've seen The Fasting Fatman use so, I'm trying a different route. Protein powder. Begins with a 1 day pure water fast then I'll begin

Im attempting to arise back above the surface of rock-bottom.

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