Begin Again

I've gotten back in control. The last few days I've been doing my 60minute workout, tracking my calories, drinking my water, and eating below my calorie range, and eating healthy.

I believe I'm having sugar withdrawal, I've experienced a killer headache, cravings out the wazoo and muscle aches and pains. I know it will eventually pass but it's no fun at all. It's especially important I Stay away from sugar loaded things.

My action plan is to continue this for weeks before making changes. The plan is as followed.

  • I eat within an hour of waking up, I eat a lunch and dinner. Light snacks in between if necessary to curve hunger and avoid binges
  • No trigger foods: donuts, cookies, snack cakes, honey buns, candy bars, peanut butter, pop tarts, granola bars, cold cereal
  • Workout a min of 4 days a week. Mix between, home workouts and the gym.
  • Log my food

It sounds simple enough, but it never is. Blind perseverance will have to get me through, because the numbers I'll be hitting I'll have hit before, they sadly didn't mean much then and now they are painful reminder that I let go, I let myself go. The good thing is now I don't want any kind of support from family that I haven't had. I don't need it, I've fully accepted the reality of things. I won't discuss my weight loss with anyone in the real world or rather, offline, aside from my therapist, psychiatrist and the select people I still talk to from that partial hospitalization program (3). I'm going to do this on my own... again, and I believe I can get further this time.

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