This Museum Full Of Ash, Once A Tickle Now A Rash

My body is so achy it seems un-natural.  It's in my lower back, my knees , upper legs and shoulders. I struggled through yesterday's workout bad. It almost seems to have gotten worse by the day. I didn't work out Tuesday. Today is Thursday. Yesterday I hit the gym for the first in months, since the crack of January, and it was incredibly rough.

I attempted doing the elliptical and could only luster a total of 15 minutes nonconsecutive. First round did just over 11 and felt disgusted. After I hit the rowing , chest press, and seated leg press machines I decide to try to redeem myself on the elliptical. I made it exactly 4 minutes...*sigh*It was the biggest flop I've ever had returning to the gym, cardio is my forte, so I was just really feeling bad inside. Also, I kid you not! This older man literally looked at me  and did one of these numbers

But more jackassier. I'm trying not to get discourage I really am, but its like now that I'm back on track the weight gains damage shows. Still my spirits are high and will is strong

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