The First 24

The first 24 hours of the water fast are behind us, and It went better than expected. Phantom food cravings coming and going, sometimes triggered by sight. I follow someone on Instagram with the user name Bombassmealpreps and he makes all this delicious keto food that looks absolutely to die for. He recently made some cookies that had me rethinking everything. But I moved on, the first 2-3days are the hardest as for as hunger and cravings go, it honestly hasn't been as bad as it normally is, so far. Once you make it past the 3rd day your appetite just turns off.. Pending if you've started the detox, the detox portion can be rough because you lose water and sodium so much more rapidly and thats often where a lot of people throw in the towel. Ill be enduring, the goal is 7 days, 6 to go.

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