And Then It All Went Black

Monday threw quite the curve ball on my unsuspecting town and the tri-state area. What I assumed would be a regular mid-day storm, turned out to be one of epic proportions. The wind was roaring, it was lightening, rain pouring, thunder slamming. I could hear our trash can get swept down the alley, and not long after, the lights flickered, and then went off. Everything was off. It was one of the hottest days of the year here and we had no power.

Tuesday was a nightmare, constantly hoping "any minute now" the power will be back on. I had nothing fully charged and my phone died the previous night. It was going to be a particularly rough ride. My tablet had 39%, and luckily I had just put the entire series of 30 Rock on an SD for it. That kept me sane, but I had to ration the power. So just a few episodes here and there. Played a game on my Switch called Limbo, but had to ration my time with it too. I tried to literally not-move as much as I could, any movement generated heat and there would be no cooling down. I tried sleeping as much as I could, but I kept waking up in a hot sweat.

Wednesday morning they finally had and ETA on when the power would be restored, 11:59pm EST. basically the entire day we could go without. Power was restored at 7:00pm EST. The relief to hear the fan suddenly start up and nice cool air thrashing against me was indescribable.And so things resumed, everything in the refrigerator had to be tossed, two trash bags worth of food. It was not a fun experience.

Over the blackout I often wondered about my friends and other family members. I wondered if the blackout made national news, I wondered alot. Then, foolishly I thought, I wonder if anyone is thinking about me. I was eager to see who had left me messages once things got back on, but once they did, I was disappointed. Not one person reached out. It messed with my head a bit, I wont lie.Thats just the reality of things, now more than ever, I'm insignificant to people. I was at least interesting to them while I was losing so much weight, but now they could care less.

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