The Weigh-in 01/08/16: Up

Well the string had to come to an end. Now that I look at it, it was 8 consecutive weeks of straight loss, no yoyo-ing, no maintaining, just loss. That's over now, because I've gained, gained for the first time since May. Last week I weighed 374.8, this week I weigh 376.6. I gained 1.8lbs! There could be a few reasons for this, I had more red meat than usual last week, I also ate out twice, though I didn't go overboard, the logical theory is it's possible that since muscle weighs more than fat, that I gained muscle, my therapist even warned me that I should be wary of more fluctuating results, I was already aware. Yet I still can't help but feel like crap. A week where no progress has been made on the scale, I'm filled with quite s bit of anxiety.

The plan for the week, get to the gym a few times , try out that Cize workout, and pending how many days I go to the gym do my dumbbell workout. Also my friend likely won't be on board for my gym routine after all, which I'm okay with. A relative is visiting from out of town sometime this week, that can go any number of ways. I suppose once again I'll try to watch a movie and read, especially to distract from the the weight gain situation.


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