Where There Is Desire There Is Gonna Be A Flame

How can you want something so badly, and not enough? How is it we can see the errors, see the flaws, see the wrongs and still keep making the same mistakes? What is our malfunction?

You don’t want it bad enough, you’re not trying hard enough. SACRIFICE is the word of the hour, the thing which you want, the thing which you need requires sacrifice. You must sacrifice your urges, your comfort, and your self-doubt. Harder even, you must accept your own help and believe in yourself. 

In order to meet your goals, you must limit yourself. You have to have the courage. It takes courage to look your self-doubt in the face and over come it. It takes courage  to believe in yourself when you’ve spent a lifetime of doing the opposite. It takes courage to see your short comings and want to better yourself. It’s not just believing, it’s doing. It’s not just doing, it’s believing, and that takes courage. It takes courage to say I am better than this, I am better than what I’ve become, I can be better, I will be better. 

Do you have the courage?

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