I CouldntThink Of A Decent Title

Its Saturday, the day that begins the weekend reset. I'm ready for next week, today I really don't have anything planned, Ill be applying for some more jobs, I might have a movie marathon later on I'm not sure. I have switched from scrambled to boiled eggs. Personally Ive only enjoyed eggs scrambled, which technically is considered fried? I never called them fried eggs, but in an attempt to make healthier  eating decisions for now on, the eggs I have for breakfast will be boiled, and honestly its not so bad, boiled eggs have such an interesting consistency/texture. I have a weeks worth of multivitamins I plan to take next week, but it has some system, its a pack with like 6 different pills and its a whole thing. They are from some GNC Vitapak, I may not actually end up using them, and just end up getting some regular non-complicated vitamins.

So next week I will be incorporating the video at the end of the post into my daily workouts. Today I was walking past my mother as she was sitting down and she goes "Oh wow" I respond, "Uh what is it?" she says "You really are losing weight, I can see it." I thanked her and just thought about that for a second. Every time I think I see a difference, I'm able to convince myself I'm wrong, and that there isn't anything visually noticeable, so I don't know. It was completely out of the blue, but she could have still been throwing me a bone. I have another post planned for today that will be a little more personal, its kind of about some of the things I want to achieve this year, It might end up being really long, it might not show up at all, but be looking out for that. And below is the aforementioned video.

What do you guys think? 

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