Post Work Update

When I got to work I initially thought I would be doing about 15 minutes of computer training, but then I remember how long they were and how many assessments I had left and realized it would likely take the  better of my shift to complete. I was happy, but when I clocked in, I discovered the computer system was having network problems, none of the training could be done until it was corrected! This meant that I had to be on the floor! They had me shadow a nice lady named Tammy, who is also supposed to train me once my computer training is officially finished.

Now for a little on the shoes. I didn't try either pair on until right before I left, and I simply decided to put on the pair I would wear. so I still have no idea how the other ones are. That said after putting on the shoes I noticed how comfortable they were, it was like my feet were on some kind of cloudy cushions, the brand is Dr Scholls, they also make shoe inserts. I was optimistic heading out.

So after about an hour of shadowing Tammy, I started to notice some slight discomfort starting to happen with my feet, a sort of calm before the storm, but before it could really explode we were given a break, and so I spent 15minutes in the break room watching Ellen. When I returned to my feet, the pain had increased a bit from before I sat down, not too much, but noticeable. I began shadowing Tammy again four a little under an hour, but during that time I was constantly moving my feet, lifting one foot, then the other, almost never remaining completely still. The pain continued to increase, but what I noticed was my feet did feel good against the shoes, unlike with my other shoes, which once the pain begins they only seem to contribute and amplify. But before 5 I was sent back to finish my computer training, and I was sitting the rest of my shift.

I finished up all but one of my computer assessments, so next shift will truly be the 15 minute computer training, then, my training will begin, and from there I will be on my feet, the computer training will have come to an end, and there wont be any more sitting, until breaks. My next shift is 4 hours, which means I will only get one 15 minute break, reminiscent of my Target days, and that is where the true test begins.

Today wasn't a bad day at all, but it also wasn't what will be a typical work day, so Thursday will really tell all.

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