Should I Get A Cellphone

I have not had a cellphone since I was working at Target, there has been times when I have seriously needed one, but didn't have one. When I stopped being able to afford my phone and it was ultimately cut off, I kind of  felt lost. I used my phone for social networking (loosely), watching videos, and keeping in touch (loosely). But it had a very nasty side effect on me, I would cling to my phone for some kind of validation, and that validation was never met. Id sit there staring at my phone wondering why no one had text me for so long, why I hadn't gotten a message on facebook, why I hadn't gotten any calls, and these things would boil in my head just becoming a bigger and bigger problem, and send me into long spells of depression.

My first check is still weeks away, but I was wondering what I might purchase, and I was thinking of a phone, there are so many health related apps now that Id like to use, and Id really like to be able to blog on the go, plus I my oldest nephew has a phone so I could text back and forth with him, as well as my core group of friends. But the fear is still there that I might become obsessed a bit again with whats not happening, or what I'm not receiving, so what do you guys think?

I have to be to work at 9am, and because of my anxiety issues, Ill need to be up by like 5, so Im heading to bed early. Goodnight!

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